Tips for parallelization in GRASS GIS

in the context of land change modeling

Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras

NCSU GeoForAll Lab at the Center for Geospatial Analytics
NC State University

Anna Petrasova

  • Geospatial Research Software Engineer at the Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State University
  • GRASS GIS Development Team Member
  • GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee Member
  • Open Source Geospatial Foundation Charter Member


  • Open-source GIS and geoprocessing engine
  • Processing tools: 400+ in core, 400+ addons
  • Interfaces: graphical, command line, Python, C
  • 3rd party interfaces: actinia (REST API), R, QGIS, OGC WPS

Intro to GRASS parallelization

Tool-level parallelization

r.neighbors input=elevation output=elevation_smoothed size=15  nprocs=4

Workflow-level parallelization

            r.grow.distance input=roads distance=dist_to_roads &
            r.grow.distance input=water distance=dist_to_water &
            r.grow.distance input=forest distance=dist_to_forest &

Multi-threading with OpenMP

  • parallelization of geospatial algorithms in C
  • relatively easy integration into existing source code
  • single code base for all platforms

#pragma omp parallel if(threaded) private(row, col, i)
        int t_id = 0;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
        t_id = omp_get_thread_num();
        struct input *in = inputs[t_id];
        DCELL *val = values[t_id];

OpenMP-enabled tools (GRASS GIS 8.2)


Even more OpenMP-enabled tools

More tools coming in GRASS GIS 8.3:


Authors of OpenMP code:
Hofierka et al. 2017 and Aaron Saw Min Sern (GSoC 2021)

Multi-processing with Python

  • multiprocessing package and others
  • separate OS processes

            from multiprocessing import Pool
            def compute(value):
                # do something with the value
            with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
                pool.map_async(compute, range(0, 10))
Used by GRASS tools and addons calling other GRASS tools:

r.sun.daily,, t.rast.what, r.viewshed.exposure, ...

Multiple independent tasks: Python

            from multiprocessing import Pool
            import grass.script as gs
            def inundate(level):
                name = f"inundation_{level}"
                gs.run_command("r.lake", elevation="elevation", lake=name,
                               seed="seed", water_level=level)
                return name
            with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
                maps = pool.map_async(inundate, range(0, 10)).get()

Multiple independent tasks: Bash

Run tasks in the background:

        r.grow.distance input=roads distance=dist_to_roads &
        r.grow.distance input=water distance=dist_to_water &
        r.grow.distance input=forest distance=dist_to_forest &

Run tasks with GNU Parallel (or alternatives)

        echo r.grow.distance input=roads distance=dist_to_roads > jobs.txt
        echo r.grow.distance input=water distance=dist_to_water >> jobs.txt
        echo r.grow.distance input=forest distance=dist_to_forest >> jobs.txt
        parallel --jobs 3 < jobs.txt

Run "hybrid" tasks:

        r.neighbors input=forest output=forest_percentage size=37 nprocs=4 &
        r.neighbors input=wetland output=wetland_percentage size=37 nprocs=4 &

Tiling approach

    from grass.pygrass.modules.grid import GridModule

    grd = GridModule("", input="roads", output="roads",
                     use="val", processes=4)

    r.mapcalc.tiled "log_dist = if (dist == 0, 0, log(dist))" nprocs=4

Tips & Tricks & Benchmarks

r.neighbors benchmark 400 million cells

\[\mbox{parallel efficiency} = \frac{\mbox{serial processing time}}{N \times \mbox{parallel processing time with N cores}} \]

Use more cores for r.neighbors and r.mfilter with large window sizes.

Even more benchmarks in manual pages


(derived with GRASS Benchmarking library)

Use 4 cores to get most speed improvements with high parallel efficiency.

Multiple tasks with different region

        import os
        from multiprocessing import Pool
        import grass.script as gs
        def viewshed(point):
            x, y, cat = point
            name = f"viewshed_{cat}"
            os.environ["GRASS_REGION"] = gs.region_env(e=x + 300, w=x - 300,
                                                       n=y + 300, s=y - 300,
            gs.run_command("r.viewshed", input="elevation", output=name,
                           coordinates=(x, y), max_distance=300)
            return name
        # viewpoints = [(x1, y1, category1), (x2, y2, category2), ...]
        with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
            maps = pool.map_async(viewshed, viewpoints).get()

Multiple tasks with different region

        import os
        from multiprocessing import Pool
        import grass.script as gs
        def viewshed(point):
            x, y, cat = point
            name = f"viewshed_{cat}"
            os.environ["GRASS_REGION"] = gs.region_env(e=x + 300, w=x - 300,
                                                       n=y + 300, s=y - 300,
            gs.run_command("r.viewshed", input="elevation", output=name,
                           coordinates=(x, y), max_distance=300)
            return name
        # viewpoints = [(x1, y1, category1), (x2, y2, category2), ...]
        with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
            maps = pool.map_async(viewshed, viewpoints).get()

Multiple tasks with different region

        import os
        from multiprocessing import Pool
        import grass.script as gs
        def viewshed(point):
            x, y, cat = point
            name = f"viewshed_{cat}"
            env = os.environ.copy()
            env["GRASS_REGION"] = gs.region_env(e=x + 300, w=x - 300,
                                                n=y + 300, s=y - 300,
            gs.run_command("r.viewshed", input="elevation", output=name,
                           coordinates=(x, y), max_distance=300, env=env)
            return name
        # viewpoints = [(x1, y1, category1), (x2, y2, category2), ...]
        with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
            maps = pool.map_async(viewshed, viewpoints).get()

Tiling approach: large overhead

Overhead from merging data and I/O:

process (12 cores, 2 billion cells) run time (MM:SS) speedup efficiency
rasterization with GridModule 00:35 1.9 16 %
r.mapcalc.tiled (simple expression) 00:39 1.8 15 %

Use for large data

Long running in-memory computations

Use r.mapcalc.tiled for complex raster algebra expressions

Tiling approach: tiling scheme

Slice data horizontally

Running GRASS in non-interactive session

Run module in existing mapset:

        grass ~/grassdata/US_albers/visibility --exec r.viewshed input=elevation ...

Run module in a newly created mapset:

        grass -c ~/grassdata/US_albers/visibility --exec input=elevation ...

Run Python script in existing mapset:

        grass ~/grassdata/US_albers/visibility --exec python

Run Python script in a temporary mapset:

        grass --tmp-mapset ~/grassdata/US_albers/ --exec python

Running GRASS commands in parallel

Generate commands:
grass ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/analysis1 --exec python 1
grass ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/analysis2 --exec python 2
grass ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/analysis3 --exec python 3
grass ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/analysis4 --exec python 4
grass ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/analysis5 --exec python 5
grass ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/analysis6 --exec python 6
Run in parallel:

parallel --jobs 8 <

Caveats: r.mask

Do not use mask in parallel within the same mapset:

        from multiprocessing import Pool
        import grass.script as gs

        def process(category):
            gs.run_command("r.mask", raster=f"mask_{category}")
            # do some other stuff

        with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
            maps = pool.map_async(process, range(0, 10)).get()
This will be addressed in GRASS 8.3 with PR 2390 and PR 2392

Caveats: r.reclass

Do not reclassify from the same raster in parallel with r.reclass (creates virtual raster)

Caveats: r.reclass

r.reclass creates backlinks by editing the raster file.
Instead, use e.g., r.recode to create a copy.

Multiprocessing in Jupyter Notebooks

This may not work from Jupyter Notebook:

Multiprocessing in Jupyter Notebooks

Scaling urban growth model


  • FUTure Urban-Regional Environment Simulation
  • explicitly captures the spatial structure of development
  • stochastic, flexible (in terms of predictors, scenarios)
  • implemented as r.futures tool set in GRASS Addons

FUTURES case studies

Parallelized workflow for Southeast US at 30 m (2 billion cells)

Scaled up to Contiguous US (16 billion cells) on institutional HPC

When parallelization matters

r.futures.devpressure (internally uses r.mfilter)

window size cores run time (HH:MM) serial time
61 x 61 32 4:20 4.9 days

When parallelization is less important

tool cores run time (MM:SS) serial time (MM:SS)
r.slope.aspect 12 11:54 36:50
r.mapcalc.tiled 12 09:44 20:33

Parallelization by US states

  • simulation doesn't fit into memory
  • simulation itself is not parallelized
  • we need a lot of stochastic runs

50 states x 50 stochastic runs => 2500 cores

Parallelization by US states

Distribute tasks across nodes using MPI (Message Passing Interface):

        grass ~/grassdata/albers/state_1 --exec r.futures.simulation subregions=state_1 ...
        grass ~/grassdata/albers/state_2 --exec r.futures.simulation subregions=state_2 ...
        grass ~/grassdata/albers/state_3 --exec r.futures.simulation subregions=state_3 ...
        mpiexec python -m mpi4py -m pynodelauncher jobs.txt

Parallelization by US states

Gets tricky if some processes take much longer than others (looking at you, Texas)

Parallelization by US states

Gets tricky if some processes take much longer than others (looking at you, Texas)



New York

San Francisco




More benchmarks

12 cores, 2 billion cells Southeast US at 30 m resolution, System76 Thelio with Ubuntu 20.04

tool window size run time (MM:SS) speedup efficiency
r.slope.aspect 3 x 3 00:32 2.7 22.6 %
r.neighbors 37 x 37 09:16 10.1 83.8 %
r.mfilter 61 x 61 48:33 11.2 93.4 %